Know your profile!

Because we do not always appear to others the way we would like to, or are seen the way we see ourselves. And that is quite normal. Each of us has them, the "blind spots". It is quite natural that in most cases the self-image and the image of others diverge. On top of that, the image of oneself and the image of others do not have to be identical. The honest feedback from others about how our competencies are seen should be an impulse for further development - an initial spark for self-reflection.

Bewusst Können transparent

Identify your profile and increase your leadership competence. The core idea of Thrindix 360° Feedback is to collect the various observations and impressions of different people and groups of people (your raters) and to present them in a comparable way using a valid leadership model. This provides you as a manager with a helpful tool for self-reflection and personality development.

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You are in Human Resources Management and ...

...are interested in a 360° feedback for coaching one of your managers.
... are looking for a valid leadership model and measurement tool for a leadership training course?
... would like to generally improve the leadership skills of the managers in your company?

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You are a manager and ...

...invited to conduct a Thrindix 360° Feedback?
... interested in how good your leadership skills are and looking for a valid measurement tool?
... want to learn more about 360° Feedback?

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You know your way around 360° Feedbacks and ...

...just want to try out the 360° feedback from Thrindix?
... would like to see what our valid systemic leadership model looks like?
… and have never seen one that delivers AI-supported results?

Satisfied participants who have already done a 360° feedback with us have the following to say about it

Contact for Thrindix 360

Logos of some of our customers who are always happy to choose our 360° feedback:

And there are more all the time.